Creating a New Next.js App: A Detailed Guide

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Creating a New Next.js App: A Detailed Guide

Creating a New Next.js App: A Detailed Guide

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Initial Steps

Check Node Version:

node -v

Ensure you have a recent version of Node.js installed.

Create Next.js App:

npx create-next-app nextjs-tutorial

This will create a directory named nextjs-tutorial containing the basic files and directories for your application.

Directory Structure

The Next.js application has a specific directory structure that organizes code and resources:

  • app: This directory contains the source code for your application.
  • pages: Routes for your application are defined here.
  • layouts: Reusable layout elements for different pages in your application are defined here.
  • loading: Components in this directory are displayed while pages are loading.
  • state: Application state is managed here.
  • node_modules: This directory contains the packages and dependencies installed by your application.
  • public: Static files, such as images, fonts, and CSS files, are stored here.
  • .gitignore: This file specifies files and directories that you want to ignore from source control.
  • package.json: This file defines the metadata for your application, including dependencies, scripts, and commands.


Next.js configuration can be done through next.config.js and .env files.


Next.js comes with a set of predefined scripts that can help you develop and deploy your application.

Common scripts include:

  • npm run dev: Starts the local development server.
  • npm run build: Builds the application for production.
  • npm run start: Starts the production server.
  • npm run lint: Performs code linting to identify syntax errors and potential issues.

You can also define custom scripts in the package.json file to automate specific tasks.

Additional Resources

Next.js Documentation:

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