Key Modifiers in Vue.js

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Key Modifiers in Vue.js

Key Modifiers in Vue.js

Vue.js provides a simple and flexible way to handle keyboard events using key modifiers. These modifiers can be attached to event listeners to detect specific key presses or combinations of keys. Key modifiers in Vue are added by appending the key or combination of keys after the event name, separated by a dot.

Basic Usage of Key Modifiers

Key modifiers are used by appending the key name to the event. For example, to detect an Enter key press, you can use the following syntax:

<input @keyup.enter="submitForm">

In this example, the submitForm method will be called only when the Enter key is pressed.

System Modifiers

System modifiers are used to detect when specific system keys like Ctrl, Alt, or Shift are pressed in combination with another key. These are also appended to the event name with a dot. For example:

<input @keyup.ctrl.enter="submitForm">

Here, the submitForm method will be called only when both the Ctrl key and the Enter key are pressed simultaneously.

Common system modifiers include:

  • ctrl - Control key
  • alt - Alt key
  • shift - Shift key
  • meta - Meta key (Command key on Mac)

Predefined Key Modifiers

Vue.js also provides several predefined key modifiers for common keys. These include:

  • enter - Enter key
  • tab - Tab key
  • delete (alias del) - Delete key
  • esc - Escape key
  • space - Space key
  • up - Up arrow key
  • down - Down arrow key
  • left - Left arrow key
  • right - Right arrow key

Compatibility Notes

It is important to note that some system modifiers may not work consistently across different operating systems. For instance, the meta key is commonly used on Mac for the Command key, but on Windows, it corresponds to the Windows key. As a result, behaviors can vary between Mac and Windows users.


Key modifiers in Vue.js offer a powerful way to handle complex keyboard interactions in a clean and readable manner. By leveraging these modifiers, you can easily detect and respond to specific key presses and key combinations, enhancing the user experience of your application.

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