A Comprehensive Guide to Command Line Commands

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A Comprehensive Guide to Command Line Commands

A Comprehensive Guide to Command Line Commands

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Command line commands are essential tools for managing files, directories, and applications in a Unix/Linux operating system. Below is a detailed overview of some basic commands and how they are used in the terminal:

ls - List Contents of Directory

The ls command is used to display the contents of the current directory.

pwd - Print Working Directory

The pwd command is used to display the path to the current directory.

cd - Change Directory

The cd command is used to navigate between directories.

cd .. - Navigate to Parent Directory

The cd .. command is used to navigate to the parent directory.

clear - Clear Terminal Screen

The clear command is used to clear the contents of the terminal.

cd / - Navigate to Root Directory

The cd / command is used to navigate to the root directory.

cd ~ - Navigate to User Directory

The cd ~ command is used to navigate to the user's home directory.

open . - Open Current Directory

The open . command is used to open the current directory in the file explorer.

mkdir nume_director - Create Directory

The mkdir command is used to create a new directory.

touch nume_fișier - Create File

The touch command is used to create a new file.

open nume_fișier - Open File

The open command is used to open a file in the default application.

open -a "nume_aplicație" - Open Application

The open -a "nume_aplicație" command is used to open a specified application.

open -a "nume_aplicație" nume_fișier - Open File in Application

The open -a "nume_aplicație" nume_fișier command is used to open a file in a specified application.

mv nume_vechi nume_nou - Rename File/Directory

The mv command is used to rename a file or directory.

rm nume_fișier - Delete File

The rm command is used to delete a file.

rm -r nume_director - Delete Directory

The rm -r command is used to delete a directory and its contents recursively.

say mesaj - Text to Speech

The say command is used to convert text to speech.

These are just a few of the most common command line commands used in Unix/Linux operating systems. A solid understanding of these commands can facilitate efficient system and file management.

Published on April 23, 2024

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