Built-in Modules in Node.js

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Built-in Modules in Node.js

Using Built-in Modules

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In Node.js, there are several built-in modules that come pre-packaged with the platform, providing essential functionalities for application development without the need for additional installations. Here are some examples:

  1. File System Module (`fs`):

    This module allows manipulation of the file system. To use it, we can import it using `require`:

    const fs = require('fs');

    To view the contents of a file, we can use:

  2. HTTP Module (`http`):

    This module facilitates the creation and management of HTTP servers. There's no need to specify the path when importing this module:

    const http = require('http');

Managing Dependencies with npm

npm (Node Package Manager) is a package management system for JavaScript, bundled with Node.js. It allows for installation, publishing, and management of project dependencies. Here's how you can manage your project's dependencies using npm:

  1. Initializing the Project:

    To start, you can initialize a new npm project using the `npm init -y` command. This will create an implicit `package.json` file where project metadata and dependencies are stored.

  2. Installing Dependencies:

    To install dependencies, you can use the `npm install ` command. For example, to install `nodemon` as a development dependency, you can use:

    npm install nodemon --save-dev

    This will install `nodemon` and add an entry in the `devDependencies` section of the `package.json` file.

  3. Using Nodemon:

    `nodemon` is a useful tool for Node.js development, which monitors files in your project and automatically restarts the application whenever a change is detected. To use `nodemon`, you can add a script in the `package.json` file:

    "scripts": {
    "start": "nodemon index.js"

    This way, you can run your application using npm start, and nodemon will take care of automatically restarting it whenever there's a code change.

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