React Hot Toast

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Adding Toast Notifications to Your React App with React Hot Toast

Adding Toast Notifications to Your React App with React Hot Toast

In this article, we'll guide you through incorporating beautiful toast notifications into your React application using the React Hot Toast library. In the process, we'll also explore a general approach to setting up global components or wrappers required by other libraries.

What are Toast Notifications?

Toast notifications are temporary pop-up messages that appear on the screen, often used to inform users about actions or events within an application. React Hot Toast provides a lightweight and customizable solution for adding these notifications to your React projects.


  1. Begin by stopping your development server (if it's running).
  2. Install React Hot Toast using npm:
npm install react-hot-toast

Setting Up the Global Provider

  1. Create a new file named providers.js (or any name you prefer).
  2. Import the Toaster component from react-hot-toast:
import { Toaster } from 'react-hot-toast';

Note: If you're using other libraries like Redux Toolkit or React Query that require global setup, you'll include their providers here as well. The concept remains the same – you'll wrap your app's children in the providers.

  1. Create a React component that wraps your children with the Toaster component:
import React from 'react';

const Providers = ({ children }) => {
  return (

export default Providers;

This Providers component will act as a wrapper for your app's entire content.

Importing and Using the Providers Component

  1. In your main layout component (e.g., App.js), import the Providers component:
import Providers from './providers';
  1. Wrap your app's children with the Providers component:
function App() {
  return (
      {/* Your app's components */}

By doing this, you've made the Toaster component accessible throughout your application.

Using Toast Notifications

Now you can leverage the toast function provided by React Hot Toast to display notifications.

  1. Import the useToast hook from react-hot-toast:
import { useToast } from 'react-hot-toast';
  1. Use the useToast hook to get the toast function:
const toast = useToast();
  1. Call the toast function with the desired message and options for displaying the notification (success, error, etc.).


const createTask = async (text) => {
  // Your task creation logic here
  if (/* error condition */) {
    toast.error('There was an error!');
  } else {
    toast.success('Task created!');


By following these steps, you've successfully integrated React Hot Toast into your React application and learned how to set up global providers for libraries requiring similar configuration. With this approach, you can add beautiful and informative toast notifications to enhance your app's user experience.

This article provides a basic example. Refer to the official React Hot Toast documentation for more details on customization options and advanced usage:

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